

IO Roma

Rivista dell'ordine degli ingegneri della provincia di Roma



ISSN (Online) 2785-7476

Versione: 1.0.0-b.3
Ing. Flavio Cordari
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Primo Trimestre 2018

The Internet of Everything System for the Papal Basilica and Sacred Convent of Saint Francis in Assisi Italy – M. Gambetti, F. Garzia, V. Baiocchi, F. J. Vargas Banilla, F. Borghini, D. Ciarlariello, S. Chakaveh, D. Costantino, A. Culla, R. Cusani, M. A. Ferrer S. Fusetti, J. Kodl, S. Livatino, M. Lombardi, S. Marsella, V.

Smejkal, S. Ramalingam, R. Ramasamy, S. Sacerdoti, A. Sdringola, D. Thirupati, M. F. Zanuy, Z. Peng
New Technologies and Service Prospects for the Space – G. Nicolai, G. De Franco

Ingegneria Naturalistica in ambiente in ambiente Mediterraneo un approccio ecologico – F. Boccalaro, G. Menegazzi

Low-cost sensing platform for air quality monitoring – L. Shindler

The Cyber Security Framework for humankind’s heritage – P. Rocco, D. Dominici, A. Taballione, E. Rosciano

Hybrid cyber threats to humanity’s cultural heritage: risks and opportunities – G. G. Zorzino, A. Praitano, M. PirrĂ²

A new algorithm for the city: the use of topology and transport modeling – A. Spinosa
